Strimmer wheel
Gardena 9880-20 Wheel Set Grass Trimmer
• Verified original product
• Trimmer wheelset for the ComfortCut and PowerCut and the battery model ComfortCut Li.
• Among other great features, these trimmers share the handy edge cutting function. This allows for vertical cutting - this way edges along garden paths, patios or fences can be accurately maintained
• Once mounted, you can guide your trimmer smoothly over the ground with the wheel. This way you don't have to keep the device at the right height all the time to mow an overhanging edge of your lawn
• Especially when working for a long time, the guide wheel significantly reduces the strain on your hands and arms!• Verified original product
• Trimmer wheelset for the ComfortCut and PowerCut and the battery model ComfortCut Li.
• Among other great features...• Verified original productLearn More
• Trimmer wheelset for the ComfortCut and PowerCut and the battery model ComfortCut Li.
• Among other great features, these trimmers share the handy edge cutting function. This allows for vertical cutting - this way ...£17.99In stock- Delivery within 2-3 working days Only valid if in stock and on working days!
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